For some college students, tutoring programs can mean the difference between graduating on time or needing to stay a couple extra semesters. Ensure your programs are easily accessible by letting students request a tutor online with this easy-to-use form template. This customizable template includes sections for contact information and availability so you can get all the information you need to match students with the right tutors.
A branded form is key to a smooth sign-up process. Add your university's logo and colors to this tutor request form to give students an engaging, trustworthy experience. To provide them with more information on your tutoring programs, just add a Description field that includes a link to program policies and procedures.
Students shouldn't have to scurry around campus to fill out a bunch of paper forms. This template comes mobile-ready out of the box so they can request college tutors from the convenience of their mobile device or tablet. Just embed the form on your university website or send out a link via email to give them easy access.
Feeling overwhelmed with tutor requests? Simplify your process by setting up a digital workflow that can move across multiple departments. Assign staff members to complete different steps, and set up email notifications to go out to colleagues and college tutors automatically depending on the details filled out by the student.
Formstack is committed to complying with the government standards for Section 508 compliance, and we strive to meet the needs of all users, regardless of disability status. We have reached Level AA of WCAG 2.0, which means our forms and products are compatible with assistive technology, such as screen readers.
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